Over 40 years experience!
Photo- MFTKD- Miss Alexa, first in the AAU Nationals 2011
Always look at the experience and track record of a school. What evidence does a school display to show they are truly a proven legit organization.
Photo- Master K's power back spin kick
Master Kaufman says "it is always best to know who the instructor is certified by. What organization? As a student do you want to learn from a self-appointed black belt"? Self-Appointed Black Belts and instructors do exist. Do your research for a school and do not just pick a school because it is less than a mile from your house. Sometimes it is better to drive 10 miles to a good, certified school than to drive less than a mile and waste your money at a non-legit martial arts school and this also applies to some chain "McDojo's" as we call them. I am thankful I use to drive for almost an hour to a good school one time in my martial arts career.
Photo- Master Kaufman balances on fence post in the late 1980s
Some schools just dwell on competition but disregard actually what it takes for good self-defense learning.
There are also other schools that will not compete at all in multi-organizational tournaments because these schools know they cannot compete on that level. We are a full spectrum school. We not only have great competitors but also highly advanced students that have to study a wide range of martial arts techniques.
Photo- MFTKD- Tyler first in AAU Nationals 2011
My friends, it is my advice that you shop around please. You do not have to pick us but I would rather customers not be ripped off.
I literally have students that have spent years at other schools only to come and visit us and realize they were not taught well. Often they comment they learn more from us in 6 months than at their prior school in 4-6 years of training (this should tell you something).Call us today and see what special offers we offer we are currently running with no obligation.